Steps to validate a JWT 

Step Validation Expected result (by environments)
Signature Verification
1 Decode the JWT. The header and the payload are encoded and separated by "." (period)  
2 Read the header section and look for "jku" and "kid" claims  
3 Verify the url against whitelisted JWKS urls  
4 Download the JWKS from the url provided in the "jku" claim  
5 Read the "n" attribute for the given "kid" claim  
6 Check the algorithm used to sign the payload using the "alg" claim from the header section  
7 Use the "n" value from the JWKS to validate the signature of the JWT payload. Proceed to next step if signature is valid Integrity of the token is intact
Additional Security Validations (JWT validation beyond signatures)
8 verify subject (sub) subject must match the subject provided during token request
9 verify nonce nonce must match the nonce provided during token request
10 verify issuer (iss) Issuer must match the below listed issuers by environment
Environments Issuer
11 verify expiry (exp) current time should be prior to the value in the expiry (exp) claim.
12 verify audience (aud) (aud) claim will contain API key. (aud) must match API key provided during token request